
Our School Uniform

Learning is influenced by many things and appearance is a part of this. At Wouldham All Saints Church of England Primary School we have high expectations in all things and uniform is part of this. Children taking a pride in how they look have a positive attitude to behaviour and learning which helps achieve greater success for all.

Parents are responsible for making sure children have the correct uniform in line with the school's expectations and we reserve the right to apply sanctions where children's appearance falls below this.

Our uniform is straightforward and practical with only the 'badged' school jumper or cardigan and tie being needed from the school. Children also need a plain white shirt with collar, grey or black trousers/shorts or dress/skirt or appropriate blue summer dress. Plain socks or tights with 'classic style' black shoes complete the outfit.

Boots, trainer style or canvas shoes & sandals are not suitable. Footwear needs to be waterproof, durable and able to cope with outdoors, walking, running and general playing. We always recommend children have shoes that are sized and fitted correctly by a suitable shop.

All children must have a weather proof coat - we love the outdoors and fresh air at all times of the year. We also encourage children to have a summer cap and a winter hat. School ones are available from the office but you can fit out your child with any other suitable, plain one and preferably blue.

Jewellery mustn't be worn in school with the exception of a simple watch. If ears are pierced then plain studs can be kept in but your child needs to be able to remove and replace these for PE. Long hair must be tied up/back and any hair accessories should be plain, understated and preferably in school blue.

Uniform items can be collected from the school office after buying from the online shop available through 'School Money'. Please click here for the latest price list. The 'Friends PTA' also hold occasional secondhand clothing sales. We have a constantly bulging lost property box in the office area with all items sharing the common theme of not having any name label! Please make sure all of your child's items are clearly and obviously marked in pen or with a suitable and secure label. Children will always forget where they put something or mix things up by accident and a name label means the items will eventually make their way home!

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