Out of Classroom Learning

We love learning away from the classroom. Research shows this to have a positive impact on progress and so we believe that all children should have the opportunity to learn away from their desks! This can take place in many different ways.

Read on to find out more!

Forest School KS2 Outdoor Learning On-site Outdoor Sessions
KS1 Swimming KS2 Swimming  

From one off trips to places connected with our themes to regular activities such as Forest School and swimming, residential adventures and outdoor learning within the school grounds we recognise the importance of using places around us to reinforce our curriculum. We run a small fleet of minibuses to transport children to places and this enables us to provide experiences for as low a cost to parents as possible.

We also believe there is no such things as poor weather - just poor clothing! - and so we request that all children are kitted out appropriately with footwear and warm coats to keep them warm and comfortable come what may!












Follow the links below to find out more...
Trips Out Residentials Library Forest School Swimming


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