
Great Attendance is the key to Great Learning

Our school is open for 190 days each year! We appreciate that illnesses, accidents and other circumstances may mean that some days are lost each year but hope that everyone is able to manage at least 186 days! Four days off equates to 98% attendance and so this is the standard we set for excellence.

Last year saw 72% of our children attending above the national expectation of 95% but only 36% achieving excellence. So far this year over 58% of pupils are showing excellent attendance - a fabulous start and please keep it up.

To recognise and reward our pupils with the highest attendance we are giving special key rings each term. All children achieving excellent attendance in any term will initially recieve a key fob and chain that can be attached to a school bag, PE bag or coat which can be kept in school or at home. Following this, every term that attendance is excellent a new addition to the key ring will be provided. 

The Attendance Parties

From the end of Term 3, following the presentation of attendance tags, we will organise a special attendance party where all children with at least two parts to their key-ring will be allowed entry. Tags will be collected and entered into a lottery for simple prizes. It's not to be missed! As new tags will be issued each term this means all children have the opportunity to have excellent attendance rewarded.

Term 1 key-rings will be given out at the start of December 2019 with Term 2 tags awarded in January 2020. Keep them safe! Lost tags will need to be earned again!

Any children earning six parts over the year will get an additional reward at the end of the school year.

Whilst missing the odd day here or there may not seem much, it very quickly adds up; this table shows how much lower attendance can add up to over the course of the year or even over seven years. Now is the time for all children to start developing good habits when it comes to attendance and making sure that they are maximising their chances to succeed.

If my attendance is…

Over the course of a year I will have missed …..

If my attendance were like this every year (between Years R-6),

I would have missed….


9.5 school days
(2 weeks)

67 school days
(over 13.5 weeks)

That's a whole term of learning!


15 school days
(3 weeks)

105 school days
(21 weeks)


28 school days
(nearly 5 weeks)

196 school days
(39 weeks)

That's over a full year of learning!

We have just carried out analysis of achievement across the school.

Of all the children performing above their age expectations - 79% have excellent attendance.

Where children are performing below expectation and/or making slow progress - just under half have poor attendance. 

Our attendance policy can be viewed here.

The Department for Education publishes further information about attendance on the government website.

They say...

When your child can miss school

You can only allow your child to miss school if either:

  • they’re too ill to go in
  • you’ve got advance permission from the school

Holidays in term time

You have to get permission from the head teacher if you want to take your child out of school during term time.

You can only do this if:

  • you make an application to the school in advance (as a parent the child normally lives with)
  • there are exceptional circumstances

It’s up to the head teacher how many days your child can be away from school if leave is granted.

You can be fined for taking your child on holiday during term time without the school’s permission.


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