The Friends of Wouldham Christmas Shop

The year the friends are looking to spread a little festive joy after such a difficult year.  We unfortunately cannot hold our usual Christmas events so hopefully our shop will help restore some festive cheer and allow you to buy some treats for your little ones.  Note we have a limited number of bookmarks so these will be allocated first come, first served.

We have three items to choose from (or you can buy all three for a discounted price).

All orders will be preparted in a COVID safe environment and quarantined at school before being handed to your child.  If you would like to purchase items, please complete the form below.  

Note we need to avoid cash payments.  Please arrange payment direct into our bank account.  

Account name: Friends of Wouldham      Bank:  Natwest

Account Number:  70040362                   Sort code:  53-61-55

Please use your CHILD's surname and Class as a payment reference.  

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