Residentials France 2022 Further Info

France Trip 2022

Welcome back to the new school year. Its hard to believe that your child is now in Year 6 and will be at secondary school in twelve months time! There is plenty of exciting activity to enjoy before we get there and the trip to France is just around the corner!

There will be an information session at 6pm on Wednesday 14th September to share all the details about what will happen and what is needed. This will be on Zoom with the following details....

Topic: France Information Meeting - Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 893 0642 0202      Passcode: Bgb220

Swan Class leave on Monday 26th September and return on Friday 30th.

Falcon Class go the following week on Monday 3rd October returning 7th October.

Both classes will follow the same itinerary and complete the same activities (but not necessarily in the same order). 

We will be travelling to France by DFDS ferry, using our school minibuses. As passenger numbers are expected to be fairly small we don't think there will be delays at border controls but this is beyond our control. Having spent seven hours in Calais port during August I know the pain that is possible! The good news is that as a large group we use different check-in lanes and border control stations to where the problems have been. We will keep you updated of any delays we experience!

We will be leaving school at 9:30 on the Mondays - this means children can arrive at 9:15 so that you can park easily and say goodbyes and wave us off! Children can come to breakfast club as usual if this is needed and you are unable to do the farewell.

A meal will be provided on the ferry and so no food is needed - just a water bottle.

Passports are needed for everyone and please can we collect these in as soon as possible. They will be kept securely at school and returned to your child once back in the country on the Friday.

Children also need a GHIC (on valid EHIC) card which confirms free medical care if needed. If you haven't got one of these for your child then please apply immediately on the following link...

Applying for healthcare cover abroad (GHIC and EHIC) - NHS (

Don't panic about the card not turning up in time as long as you can print out the reference number shared with you (or forward the confirmation email to As with passports, please send in to the school asap.

Children will be able to spend in gift shops but will need Euros rather than pounds. There are a couple of spending opportunities but there isn't any need for lots of money. We would suggest a maximum of thity Euros and point out that as a general rule the children always spend what you give them! And not always as sensibly as you would wish!

The trip will be very enjoyable and we are thrilled to be returning to places we haven't been able to take the children since 2019. Whilst away we will visit Nausicaa, a sweet making business, an exhibition about fishing, a snail farm, a chateau, local countryside, a WW1 cemetry and go swimming. With regards to swimming, France has some bizarre rules that are strictly enforced about swimwear. Boys must have tight fitting trunks (can be shorts) rather than baggy 'surf-style' ones. Girls are best with onepiece swimsuits although two piece are ok as long as not tied with string/laces etc.

All other information will be provided in a parent pack which will include a consent form to be signed and returned. This should be sent out at the start of next week (beginning Mon 12th Sept).

Before we can send these out we will need some information from you and this will be collected on an online form through our website that will soon be sent to you.

Finally, luggage can always be an issue but we should have plenty of space available for travelling. The bigger issue is storage within bedrooms and so please try to have the smallest bag possible - but this can be suitcase or holdall.

Bon voyage!



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