Key worker sign up

From Monday 4th January 2021 we will only be providing emergency childcare for children who have parents in critical roles to enable the continued provision of essential services. 

Children in critical worker childcare are being 'looked after' rather than being taught a full curriculum and this may be with members of staff that  will not be their usual classroom staff.

To make sure we can provide cover for those who really need it - please make every effort to organise childcare for your family at home. 

The government produced guidance about roles that are classed as critical workers. You need to read this to decide if you are included.

Click here 

The numbers of children in school needs to be kept as low as possible and we are already nearing our maximum. Only those being able to meet the definition of critical worker in the above document will be considered.

The guidance says that workers should confirm with their employer that, based on their business continuity arrangements, their specific role is necessary for the continuation of this essential public service. We may require confirmation of this from your employer.

If you believe you fall into this critical key worker category then please complete and return this form in full as soon as possible. Following receipt we will issue a verification form to be completed and returned by your employer. It can take a few days to process applications.

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