Staff Information - Safeguarding

Keeping the children safe is our top priority. 

Everyone has an equal role to play.

If you see or hear something - say something!

Recognise  Respond  Record  Refer

Are you confident you can recognise the signs and symptoms around child protection?

If you come across something are you confident in how you would respond to the child?

Recording concerns and action is vital to keep children safe. Do you know the school protocols for this?

Passing on information to those who can make a difference to the child is key to success. Do you know how to contact the school's safeguarding people - or failing their availability - how to contact outside agencies such as social services?

Click below for the school's guidelines.

Anyone with a concern about a child MUST pass it on. Our safeguarding leads are Carl, Holly, Rebecca, Caroline, Nell and Jo Carlier. If none of these are available you must still do something if you believe a child is in danger. This may mean having to call the relevant authorities to report your concern - ie Police or Social Services. It is everyone's responsibility to make sure the children are safe - do not go home thinking it will be ok until tomorrow!

Our school policy for Safeguarding is available by clicking the picture below...

Speak to a DSL wherever you can but you can always submit an incident report through the school's CPOMS account. A link to this is on the safeguarding pages on TEAMs, or by clicking below.

You can access CPOMS from any internet device - webaddress is

You use your school email address as your username and will need to set a password at the first log in.

Make sure you add a 'category' but please don't 'assign' to anybody. Alert - yes! Assign - no thank you!

If you're worried a child is being abused but not too sure what to do then read the document below...

There is an updated edition of Keeping Children Safe in Education (2022). All people working or volunteering within school must read Part 1 (at least).

Access a copy of Part 1 by clicking below.

The school 'Code of Conduct' and 'Acceptable Use of ICT' documents can be found by clicking our logo below.

The Lucy Faithfull foundation has produced a toolkit to support everyone in recognising and responding to sexual behaviours in children. This can be accessed by clicking below.

The school falls within the remit of Kent Safeguarding Children Partnership. This is our first point of call for online training. There are oodles of courses on offer.

Everyone MUST complete the Safeguarding Children Level 1 but why not fill your boots with more?

Click below to access the courses.

We also make use of resources from The Education People and their safeguarding pages can be accessed by clicking the logo below.

Prevent Training needs to be completed by all staff. This is concerned with protecting against radicalisation and hate. Click below for the link.

Educate against hate is a government website that provides support, resources and guidance for school teams.

If you believe the school is not carrying out effective safeguarding or you have concerns that you don't feel able to share with the school management or governing body then be a 'whistle blower'. KCC will respond to concerns you raise but an easier option is to involve the NSPCC. Click below to go to their website.

Online Safety is always going to be a big issue as children are able to access more and more online. The internet has brought very many positives to learning and wider life but there are plenty of pitfalls too. 

Remember that  technological devices pose no threat to anyone when in the box! It is how people use them and behave with them that creates risk of harm. It is much more important to develop awareness and resilience than to share 'scare stories' or ban usage.

From time to time there may be an allegation made against a member of staff - either by a pupil, a parent or by another member of staff. Should this happen the school will follow set procedures as detailed here.


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